Butka, Russia

Butka (Russian Бутка ) is a village ( selo ) in the Sverdlovsk Oblast (Russia) with 3077 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ). Butka is about 36 kilometers from the city Taliza and about 250 kilometers from the regional capital Yekaterinburg away.


Butka was founded over 300 years ago as a fortified village. First settled here in exile and refugees of Czarist Russia. The population worked mainly in agricultural and forestry use. It was only after the Russian Revolution of 1917, several factories, mostly built for further processing of agricultural products. The church of the village has been transformed into a cinema. In 1949 the town was connected to the railway network in 1950 and received its own train station.


Note: Census data


Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin was born on February 1, 1931 in Butka. But he left the place a year later. After his death in 2007 a ​​plaque was erected and named a street after him.

Pictures of Butka, Russia
