Buxtehude Bull

The Buxtehude Bulle is a prestigious prize for youth literature in 1971 from the Buxtehude booksellers Winfried Ziemann ( † 16 November 2010) was initiated. Since 1981, the ownership is transferred to the City of Buxtehude. The prize is awarded annually for the best narrative youth book of the previous year. The 5,000 euro Prize for Literature is connected to a steel sculpture in the form of a bull.

Model for the name Buxtehude Bull is the peace-loving bull Ferdinand from the children's book of the American writer Munro Leaf.

Award conditions

The winners are selected by an annually changing jury of eleven young people ( 14-17 years old) and eleven adults. In the submitted books for young people " aged 14 years " are mostly suggestions from publishers, although Independent applications are possible. It is crucial for the award that the books have been published in German ( original or in translation ).

Award winners

The Buxtehude Bull was awarded to

The Buxtehude BULLEvard

Spread over the Buxtehude Bahnhofstrasse brass plates (40 cm × 40 cm ) taken for each winner of the Buxtehude bulls. Each panel is labeled with the name of the prize winner, the book and the year of publication.

Buxtehude calf

2005 was first awarded in accordance with the Buxtehude bulls the " Buxtehude calf ", a prize for the best picture book of the year. It went to Birte Müller for her book " Fritz Frog". Selected it was in an action, were packed in the backpack libraries and presented in kindergartens Buxtehude children, it chose her favorite book. 2006, published in Patmos publishing house picture book " Lieselotte lurking " by Alexander Steffen Meier has been elected in May 2007 as the most popular picture book Buxtehude's backpack Library and awarded the " Buxtehude calf ". Three backpack libraries toured again by Buxtehude 18 kindergartens and day care centers. The kids occupied themselves there over several weeks with the books, then took the backpack to the next device and presented there in front of her favorite book.
