
Intrigue ( " embarrass " of Latin intricare, ), also outdated cabal or intrigue, refers to a strategy of action with the individual or groups of people are trying to harm other people or turn them against each other. The support of this action strategy is referred to as an intriguer.

The purpose of the scheme can serve the personal emotional satisfaction ( schadenfreude, sadism, etc. ) Or personal or group's own advantages.

In the literature, the intrigue has significance particularly for the drama. While in the comedy which is threaded through the schemers involvement eventually this exposes itself, it brings about the downfall of the hero in the tragedy. Typical schemers are Iago in Othello and Franz Moor in The Robbers.

The intrigue is related to the cabal, eg in Friedrich Schiller's play Kabale und Liebe. A cabal called collusion of people to an evil end, or stop. Cabala ( from the Hebrew qabbâlêh ) is a term from the Latin word for mystery. Other expressions for intrigue are in the German intrigues, duplicity, intrigue. Rancor, however, is the pursuit of revenge from taking damage. As conspiracy is defined as the purposeful actions of several people with tricks. In English, " intrigue " also means an affair between a secret lovers.

Deviating from the intrigue is also a dramatic technical term. It refers to the visible action of a play, his involvement and their resolution. According to Jean -François Marmontel, the intrigue in this sense is a chain with the various events as members.

The Swiss literary scholar Peter von Matt The intrigue of the transformation of the concept and the practice examines and situates civilization history in his work. Based on Nietzsche's theoretical reflections on the subject, he knocks on the extent of the term intrigue a function and need for the advancement of education, such as Theodor W. Adorno has.

Structural elements of a conspiracy are by Matt the experience of an emergency ( emergency ) the designation of a target ( target fantasies ), the plan scene that intrigues practice, the adjustment, the Anagnorisis that Gnorisma and intrigue prop. It occurred on the intrigues sacrifice that intrigues subject or the intrigues handlebar or instigator and the voluntary or involuntary intrigue helper. With an intrigue intrigue intrigue patience and enjoyment are often connected. An intrigue can be answered by a Gegenintrige.

The same behavior is also found in primates.
