Café au lait

Latte is a coffee with a high proportion of milk or milk foam, which is drunk in different countries especially in the morning. He is in the Netherlands ( " coffee runs " ) as koffie verkeerd called. In Vienna is meant with foamed milk with a coffee runs a small mocha. In Switzerland, milk coffee - called shell - after drinking vessel.


The French word café au lait [ kafe olɛ ] (french coffee with milk) is usually coffee with hot milk, which beverage is half coffee and milk, respectively. Café au lait is served in France in a large bowl (bol ) and drunk as a rule only for breakfast. In Paris, he is also called café crème, although this sometimes still, as is traditional (especially elsewhere in France), can mean a cup of coffee with cream. In France, a baguette or croissant is often dipped in milk coffee.


In Italy is a Caffellatte ( caffè latte or caffè also e latte ), the local variant of milk coffee. This often drunk for breakfast milk coffee can be served in a large glass or cup. It consists of a single or double coffee with hot milk. Only rarely addition of milk foam is used.

Latte macchiato ( " stained milk " ) is also a variant of the lattes, but that has more milk. It consists of espresso, steamed milk and milk foam.


In Austria is called the normal white coffee blend; Wiener Melange is served with frothed milk. In addition, there is the Big Brown and Little Brown as the name of mocha with whipped cream ( cream ). If you order in Austria a caffe latte, macchiato served him so you get the most similar to a latte.


Café cortado is a Spanish specialty coffee and consists of espresso, which is " blended " with very little hot, frothed, sometimes sweetened milk. A variant of the Cortado is the café bombón. He added sweetened condensed milk. The café cortado leche y leche ( " milk and milk " ) is, especially on La Palma, drunk in the Canary Islands. He is given into both heated fresh milk and sweetened condensed milk.

In Catalonia and the Balearic Islands of Cortado also means tallate (Catalan for " cut "). In Cuba it is called cortadito.

Café con leche is the Spanish form of milk coffee. It consists, as usual in Spain, from an espresso with milk. The roasting of the coffee beans is usually darker than in Germany. In approximately twice the amount of a cortado coffee is served in a cup. The heated with the steam of the espresso machine or frothed milk is often separated in a small pot on the table. The usual mix is one to one.


In Portugal, mainly in the north of Porto, one knows the cortado also called pingo (Portuguese for drops), or pingado, in Lisbon he called Garoto ( Portuguese for boy or girl).

Galão in Portugal is a mixture of espresso and hot milk. As Italian Latte macchiato is a Galão usually served in a glass.

Meia de derive is a Portuguese coffee with milk in a cup, which is mixed from a Lungo Espresso and milk in the ratio of 1:1.
