Calcium lactate

  • E 327



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Calcium is the calcium salt of lactic acid.

In old cheese, it happens naturally, where it was formed by bacteria in the ripening of originally contained lactic acid and crystallized partly on the surface. For industrial production, it is synthesized from lactic acid.

In the food industry, it is added to foods as a humectant and an acid regulator. With pectin contained in fruit peel, calcium lactate reacts to form insoluble calcium pectinate, the fruits and vegetables cured. It is therefore used for the treatment of cut fruits sold in order to extend its shelf life and to ensure longer lasting firm flesh. It is in the EU as a food additive under the E number 327 for all approved additives for food - even for "organic " products - approved. It is generally considered harmless, only for allergy sufferers a questionable called. In dietary food it serves as a mineral supplement and is also used medically to calcium deficiency. Another medical use is as an antacid.

It is also used in mouthwashes and dental chewing gums. In conjunction with xylitol, it can carry the remineralization of tooth enamel.

The double salt of calcium lactate and calcium gluconate is called calcium lactate gluconate.
