Callias of Chalcis

Callias (Greek: Kαλλιας ) was a Greek tyrant of BC in the city of Chalcis in Euboea reigned in the 4th century.

Callias was a son of Mnesarchus and followed this as a tyrant of his native city, where he ruled jointly with his brother Taurosthenes. Her reign coincided with the beginning of the Athenian -Macedonian opposition, located in the middle of the 4th century. BC, not least at the level of the respective influence inflamed in Euboea. Callias joining forces with King Philip II of Macedon, from which he hoped for support against the tyrant Plutarch of Eretria. This in turn sought help from the Athenians, who, against the advice of Demosthenes, sent an army toward Euboea, the Callias 350 BC defeated in a battle at Tamynai. Callias first then went to the Macedonian court, but soon fell out with Philip, so he instead went to Thebes to get there support for his cause.

But even with the Thebans he fell out, so he now, an attack both the Thebans as the Macedonians fearing refuge with his former adversaries, the Athenians sought. Indeed, Demosthenes began for him and Chalcis, were probably in the year 343 BC, the annual fees that were paid by Oreos and Eretria awarded. Demosthenes thus hoped to obviously strengthen the Athenian position on Euboea against Philip. 341 BC Athens then intervened militarily on the island: Phocion moved to a Athenian army and expelled the tyrant of Eretria and Kleitarchos Philistides of Oreos, so that Callias was able to achieve an uncontested supremacy in the region. Last encountered Callias in the sources about the year 330 BC, about his fate is known but little.

  • Greek ( Ancient )
  • Tyrant
  • Euboea
  • Politicians ( ancient Greece)
  • Born in the 4th century BC
  • Died in the 4th century BC
  • Man