Callot Soeurs

The sisters Callot Soeurs Callot or were four French fashion designer, who in a Paris fashion house opened in 1895, which lasted until 1937. It involved the Callot sisters Marie Callot Gerber, Marthe Callot Bertrand, Regina Callot Tennyson - Chantrell and Joséphine Callot Crimont

Her fashion was characterized by a lush style, her clothes were preferable made ​​of silk and heavy velvet or satin fabrics. They worked antique lace and braid, beads and feathers in their clothes and were the first, the gold and silver lamé fabrics processed in their collections.

Input found the sisters Callot in the world literature. Marcel Proust mentions it in his novel In Search of Lost Time: There declared one of the fictional characters that besides them, " but still a bit much do business with lace, Doucet, Chéruit and sometimes Paquin " there were only horrible couturiers.
