Camacho River


Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Río Camacho is a river in the south of the South American Andean Republic of Bolivia.

The source of the Camacho is located in the Bolivian Cordillera Oriental, near the border with Argentina at an altitude of 3725 m. From there, the Camacho flows in a northerly direction and flows 72 km away in the Río Nuevo Guadalquivir, the headwaters of the Río Tarija, 6 km below the village of Valle de Concepción.

The Camacho is not navigable along its entire length and subject depending on the season significant water fluctuations. During the winter months from April to October only average monthly rainfall is less than 30 mm, so that the Camacho hardly leads water in this Zerit while to February with monthly rainfall of over 100 mm can burst their banks again and again in the humidity from December.
