Camara Laye

Laye Camara ( born January 1, 1928 in Kouroussa, † February 4, 1980 in Dakar ) was a Guinean writer of the Negritude. Camara was his name, his first name Laye. In English-language works and biographies, the reverse sequence is often used Camara Laye.


Camara received his education, which he continued in Conakry on a Koranic school and at a French school. He emigrated in 1947 to Argenteuil in France, was an auto mechanic and worked in Paris with the automaker Simca same time, he attended the Technical College, and in 1953 he published his first novel L' enfant noir. In the same year he married Marie Lorifo. In 1956 he returned about Benin and Ghana gained independence in 1958 returned to his native Guinea and worked for the Ministry of Information under the dictator Ahmed Sékou Touré, whose tyranny he denounced in his novel Dramouss ( 1966). In 1963 he emigrated to Dakar, where he died in 1980 from a kidney infection.


  • L' Enfant noir 1953, german One of Kurussa 1954; re: Pierre Bertaux, ed: France says. 13 French narrator Fischer TB, Frankfurt 1963 ISBN 3596292867
  • Le Regard du roi (1954, dt The view of the King 1963)
  • Dramouss (1966, dt Dramouss 1967)
  • Le Maître de la parole (1978 )