
Campoo denotes a comarca ( county ) in the southern Spanish region of Cantabria, whose office is located in the city Reinosa. The name also stands for a landscape, the extent of which extends beyond the boundaries of the district and also to the land of Castile - Leon. The landscape is a plateau surrounded by mountains, the western mountainous region again as Alto Campoo ( high Campoo ) is called.

In this region of the river Ebro, which flows through one of the three reservoirs few kilometers to its source in its course rises. Settlements are mainly located around the power generation serving the reservoirs and the city Reinosa. Large parts of the landscape are uninhabited and are considered as a biosphere reserve, which is a ski resort in a part of the mountain. The region is a haven for rare animal species and about 25 brown bears.

  • Geography ( Cantabria )