Cana (unit)

Cana ( German: stick, staff ) also written Caña, was a unit that was used in Catalonia and in the south of France at the time of the political structure of the Crown of Aragon.


A Caña as a unit of length corresponding to the metric unit of 1,555 meters (Barcelona) or 8 Palmos, equal to 6 pies ( feet) or 2 pasos (steps). In the city of Tortosa a Caña meant equal 1,587 meters, in Toulouse, it was 1.60 meters and 1,785 meters in Carcassonne.


The Cana cuadrada was used as a measure of the surface and was in the Barcelona area 2,438 m², in the area of 2.4304 m² Girona and Lleida in 2.4211 m². In the area of Tarragona and Mallorca and the other Balearic islands 2.4336 or 2.4461 m was used.

A Cana de Rey was used in Tarragona and corresponded to an area of ​​6,084 m².


Prior to the implementation of the International System of Units 1875 these basic Maßlängen Cana were used for dimensioning of timber and building areas, room sizes and commercially as linear measure with reeds, textiles and sugar cane.


  • Pere Brunet Estarelles: Unidades de medida históricas, Grup Serra, Diari de Balears distribuït pel ( Tb ).
  • Ancient weights and measures (Spain )
  • Catalan history