Canal of Drusus

Fossa Drusiana is the traditional name of a Roman channel ( or multiple channels ), which the Drusus was 12 at the start of his campaign in Germania Create BC.

Ancient tradition

The historiographical sources that describe the Drususkanal are the following:

Suetonius, Claudius 2-4: " This had Drusus as Quaestor and Praetor a command in the Rhaetian, then the Germanic war, and in this capacity he sailed as first Roman general over the northern ocean, and laid across the Rhine to channels he drove this work working ahead, it was a huge undertaking. these channels lead to our own time still his name. "

Tacitus, Annals II / 8: " The Caesar ( Germanicus ) had sent before the Board, distributed the legions and the allies on the ships and had entered into the channel named after Drusus, where he prayed to his Father to him, as he now take the same risk to be gracious and merciful to his example and the memory of his actions and buildings are at your side. "

Modern research

The precise location of the channel is not known. It is generally assumed that the channel the Rhine and the IJssel joined at Arnhem in Doesburg and is now known under the name of Gelderland IJssel. The Utrechtsche Vecht between Utrecht and the IJsselmeer comes as fossa Drusiana in question. According to a recent theory, it is assumed that a second channel that led from the Zuiderzee from the North Sea. Furthermore, it is now contemplated that the length Run was previously a part of this channel system.

With the aid of the canal, a continuous waterway from the Rhine to the North Sea was made, so that the Roman Rhine fleet reach the North Sea and the resident Germanic tribes could threaten from the sea.
