Capilla del Sauce

Capilla del Sauce on the map of Uruguay

Capilla del Sauce is a city in Uruguay.


Capilla del Sauce is located in the area of the department of Florida in its sector 7 The surrounding settlements are Estación Capilla del Sauce in the north, Pueblo Ferrer in the east-southeast and southwest Monte Coral. While the area is south of the village called Cuchilla del Rosario, extends north the Cuchilla Illescas.


The place Capilla del Sauce was first mentioned in 1860. On July 5, 1956 Capilla del Sauce by the legal regulation of the Ley no. 12,298 classified as Villa.


Through the village leads the Ruta 6 In addition, a railway line through Capilla del Sauce runs.


The population of Capilla del Sauce is 835 (as of 2011), of which 412 male and 423 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
