Carex binervis

Two annoying sedge ( Carex binervis )

The two annoying sedge ( Carex binervis ) is a native to Central Europe Seggenart ( Carex ). It is a different eared sedge.


The two annoying sedge is a perennial plant with short runners, it grows therefore lockerrasig. It is 30 to 100 ( rarely 150 ) cm high. The stems are triangular and rough above. The leaves are 3-6 mm wide, dark green and about half as long as the stem. You are keeled, their bulbous leaf sheaths wall has a trockenhäutiges appendage. The basal leaf sheaths are orange brown.

There is a male and female spikelets 2-3. The latter are dichtblütig, to 4.5 cm long and stalked. They are rather upright, the lowest nodding. The bracts are herbal and have long sheaths. The lower husk is much longer than its spikelets, but shorter than the entire inflorescence.

The bracts are ovate with a spiked tip and maroon. They are shorter than the fruit. The pen bears three scars.

The fruit is 3 to 3.5 mm long, glabrous and dark purple with two distinct edge green veins. It is triangular and narrows abruptly in the inside and rough toothed beak.


The species occurs only in Europe and is a temperat - euozeanisches Florenelement. It grows on dry and wet heath ( Ericion tetralicis, Juncion squarrosi ). In Germany it is rare.


  • Rudolf Schubert, Klaus Werner, Hermann Meusel (ed.): Exkursionsflora the territories of the GDR and the FRG. Founded by Werner Roth painter. 13-14. Edition. Volume 2: vascular plants, people and knowledge, Berlin 1987/1988, ISBN 3-06-012539-2 (Area ).
  • Siegmund Seybold (ed.): Schmeil - Fitschen interactive. CD -ROM, Version 1.1, Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2002, ISBN 3-494-01327-6.