
Carhenge (English: car = car henge of Stonehenge ) is a work of art near the U.S. city of Alliance, Nebraska, which served the Stone Age Megalithkreise of Stonehenge as a model.


The project of Jim Reinders was inaugurated during the summer solstice of 1987, and is now so well known that a visitor center was opened in the summer of 2006.


Carhenge consists of stones instead of American cars that are sprayed with gray color.

The 38 vintage cars were set up in a circle of 29 meters. Some cars were vertically positioned 1.5 meters anchored in the soil and partly welded together over horizontally lying cars.

The " heelstone " is a Cadillac from the year 1962.

Three cars were buried and a car provided as a grave stone to reads:

"Here lie three bones of foreign cars. They served our purpose while Detroit slept. Now Detroit is awake and America's great! "

" Here lie the bones of foreign cars. They fulfilled their service while Detroit slept. Now Detroit is awake and America is great! "
