Carl Hinrichs

Carl Hinrichs ( born September 18, 1907 in Oldenburg, † December 7, 1967 in Oldenburg ) was a German actor.


Carl Hermann Wilhelm Gustav Hinrichs was born the only son of businessman Emil Hinrichs ' and his wife Christine Hinrichs, born Jürgens in Oldenburg. He visited the city boys' school and later the Municipal Oberrealschule to Oldenburg (now Herbartgymnasium ), which he left in Easter 1923. Then he should take over the liquor store in the hair Straße 61 in Oldenburg, he made an apprenticeship to a wine merchant in Bremen, Mainz, Oppenheim and Hamburg. The father allowed him in 1928 to go to America. Here he began in New York with a degree in mechanical engineering, but he was unable to complete due to the turmoil in Europe. At the same time, he worked in an auto repair shop in Port Chester. In 1933 he came back to Oldenburg, Oldenburg briefly studied at the Polytechnic in mechanical engineering, then joined his father's business, married and made the family hobby, acting in Low German, is also his hobby.

During the 2nd World War, he was sent as a reserve officer to Poland, Russia and France had in between the opportunity to perform with the August Hinrichs- stage on the various fronts. In 1958 he sold the no longer profitable liquor store and was a full-time actor. In 1967, he died after a brief illness.

Hinrichs was the nephew of August Hinrichs and was on his return from the USA in February 1933 to the popular folk actor and stage director of the August Hinrichs stage, the Low German stage in Oldenburg ( volunteering ). He became nationally known through the popular in the 1950s home movie, the records of pieces of the August Hinrichs stage, Oldenburg Second German Television in the 1960s and the other in smaller roles in prime-time serials and commercials.

Throughout northern Germany, he was also known for his appearances on radio and also in the Second German Television.

Pieces of the August Hinrichs stage with Carl Hinrichs



Pictures of Carl Hinrichs
