Carlota de Godoy, 2nd Duchess of Sueca

Luisa Carlota de Godoy y Borbón ( born October 7, 1800, Madrid, † May 13, 1886 in Paris) was the only child of Manuel de Godoy and María Teresa de Borbón y Vallabriga. Her major titles were those of a 16th Countess of Chinchón (since 1831), of a 2nd Duchess of Sueca (since 1830) and the 2nd Countess ( marquesa ) of Boadilla del Monte ( since 1853 ).


As her mother looked after because of her hatred for her unfaithful husband and unloved little about her daughter Carlota Luisa spent her early years on the Spanish king Charles IV court in Madrid; he and his wife María Luisa were her godparents. About her life after the abdication of Charles IV in 1808 is as good as nothing is known; the new king Ferdinand VII was certainly a bitter opponent of Manuel Godoy and consequently also of his family. She was not allowed into a European royal house marrying - as a marriage to the German - Italian Camilo Ruspoli of Khevenhüller Mestch was agreed in 1821, which was signed in Rome on November 8. Camilo Ruspoli was a dragoon officer in the service of the Pope, but went to the wedding, the title of his wife on him over.

In 1829 - a year after the death of her mother - Ferdinand VII decreed that half of the confiscated property of Manuel Godoy should be returned to his daughter Luisa Carlota. She was also - as the only niece - the legacy of their deceased childless in 1846 Aunt María Luisa de Borbón y Vallabriga.

Luisa Carlota de Godoy y Borbón died on 13 May 1886 in Paris at the age of 85 years.


The marriage between Luisa Carlota de Godoy y Borbón and Camilo Ruspoli of Khevenhüller Mestch had two children:

  • Adolfo Ruspoli y Godoy ( born December 28, 1822 in Bordeaux, † February 4, 1914 in Paris), Duke of Alcudia
  • Luigi Ruspoli y Godoy ( born August 22, 1828 in Rome, † December 21, 1893 in Florence), Marqués of Boadilla del Monte

Pictures of Carlota de Godoy, 2nd Duchess of Sueca
