Carrier identification code

The network operator code ( VNBKZ ), in Switzerland Carrier Selection Code (CSC ), is used for making telephone calls via an alternative phone company, a so-called network operator ( DNO ) in the call-by- call basis.


The VNBKZ, also known there as call-by- call prefix, Vorvorwahl or commonly -saving code, has the structure 010xy or 0100xy, where x is a number from 1 to 9 and y for a digit from 0 to 9. This code must be preceded by a number, while the prefix ( area code, country code, respectively ) must be dialed for long distance or international calls. For local calls with the same prefix, this need not necessarily be dialed.

If no VNBKZ chosen automatically enters the default in the local exchange preselection in force, which can be ordered separately for local and long distance calls. Without explicit order the operator of the connectors is set. By selecting the test numbers 031-0 (remote connections) and 031-1 (local connections) can be tested, which are a network carrier mediated and calculated the talks.

The Federal Network Agency ( FNA ) manages the figures and inform a fixed network operator or telecommunications operators to.


A five-digit code starting with 107xy or 108xy, allows to run national and international connections via the network from a particular provider, and does it automatically (preselection ) or manually ( call-by -call). The CSC for example, Swisscom is 10741, the Sunrise 10707, etc. The name of the currently used provider (preselection ) can be determined with the number 0868 868 868.
