Cash and carry (wholesale)

The designated pick-up wholesale or cash-and -carry market, also known as cash-and- carry wholesale ( wholesale in the institutional sense) or self-service wholesale, is a permanent form of wholesale. He offers on the principle of self-service to a wide range of food and beverages as well as use and consumption goods. The buyer has to take over the compilation of the goods ( picking ) and their transport. The operating form of wholesale is the sales to resellers, processors, professional users ( eg public authorities, educational institutions ) or to other institutions (eg canteens, clubs), if it is other than private households, directed.


The largest chain of cash-and- carry stores operated in Germany from the Edeka under the name Edeka C C Wholesale Market (141 markets ), other competitors in Germany are the Metro (61 markets), Handelshof C & C Wholesale Group Cologne, Fegro / Selgros (46 markets in Germany ) and L. Stroetmann.


In Austria, six companies represent around 80 % of the wholesale sales. The Rewe distribution channel AGM maintains over 20 C C, followed by Metro with 12 locations. More than 5 markets are leading wholesalers Wedl, Pfeiffer and Kastner, finally heard Kiennast the top 6 about 20 % market share of the remaining wholesale share EUR Guest Austria, Alois Wild, Geko, Hausmann, KHG -Gastro Express, Rewe gvs and Größwang.

Situation in other countries

In the United States take the place of cash & carry markets often so-called warehouse clubs like Costco, Sam 's Club and BJ's Wholesale Club, in which only members can buy, with the membership for a fee of any person, including from private households can be purchased.

In Switzerland, several exist C & C chains, including market leader prodega / Growa, TopCC and Cash Carry Angehrn.
