Casilda of Toledo

Casilda of Toledo (* 1050, † 1107 ) is a very popular saint in Spain. Your - perhaps legendary - legend goes to the time just before the reconquest ( Reconquista ) Toledo back in 1080. Her feast day is the 9th of May; their - alleged - relics are venerated in Burgos and Toledo.


According to the legends of the saints Casilda was the daughter of the Muslim Sultan Al- Mamun of Toledo. She felt pity for the many Christian prisoners in the dungeons of the city; they fed them with bread and secretly gave them comfort. This filled her two works of mercy - feeding the hungry and visiting captives (Matthew 25.34 to 46 EU). One day she was stopped and checked by the guards of her father - because the brought bread turned into roses.

Another legend has it that she refused to be treated by Muslim doctors, as she suffered from blood flow. Instead, she left her hometown of Toledo and traveled north to look at the healing springs at the Shrine of San Vicente near the present town of Briviesca help. After successful healing she was baptized in Burgos; after that she lived near the healing springs and was allegedly 100 years old.


Santa Casilda, Francisco de Zurbarán ( 1635 )

Santa Casilda, Fray Juan Rizi ( 1660 )

Santa Casilda, José Nogales (1892 )


Pictures of Casilda of Toledo
