
Cassoulet is a stew from the south of France, the Languedoc region. It consists of white beans, bacon, salt pork and sausages. Depending on the region and lamb, goose or duck can be added.

Beans and meat are cooked slowly on the stove and then finish cooking at a low temperature in the oven, which takes several hours. The resulting crust during baking is stirred in again. A good cassoulet should traditionally have seven crusts.

The name is derived from the Cassole used for the preparation. A Cassole is the earthen ceramic form in which the cassoulet is prepared. It is produced entirely by hand in a small village near Castelnaudary. The authorship of the cassoulet is claimed by both Castelnaudary and Carcassonne and Toulouse, where it is prepared with country sausage, canned goose meat, herbs and garlic.
