Cecrops II

Cecrops II (Greek Κέκροψ, the caudate, latin Cecrops ), king of Attica, in Greek mythology, was the eldest son of Erechtheus and Praxithea. His siblings were Orneus, Thespios, Metion, Sicyon, Pandoros, Alkon, Eupalamos, Procris, Creusa, Oreithyia, Chthonia, Protogeneia, Pandora and Merope.

After the death of his father he was determined by Xuthus as his successor, whereupon Xuthus was driven by the brothers of Cecrops. He married Metiadusa, the daughter of Eupalamos. Successor of Cecrops was his son Pandion.

Cecrops is said to have consecrated a wooden Hermes statue in the temple of Athena Polias on the Acropolis in Athens. He described the first Zeus as the Supreme ( Hypatos ) of the gods. He was allowed to sacrifice any creatures. That's why they burned on the altar of God Pelanoi (a kind of cake).
