
Limitation (Latin limitatio ) called the general term the Roman Surveying.

Specially designated limitatio an act of worship, in which the main axes of a settlement to be established were established according to which then minor axes was created, from which a rectangular grid, and thus a first subdivision of the settlement system revealed. The most runs in the east-west direction ( main) axis is called Decumanus ( maximus), the (main) axis was at right angles to running Cardo ( maximus).

From the two main axes initially resulted in a division into four sub-regions ( regiones ):

  • DD VK: dextra decumanum ultra cardinem " right of Decumanus, beyond the Cardo " ( corresponding to the northwest)
  • SD CV: sinistra decumanum ultra cardinem " left the Decumanus, beyond the Cardo " (equivalent to the southwest)
  • DD KK: dextra decumanum citra cardinem " right of Decumanus, this side of the Cardo " (equivalent to the northeast)
  • SD KK: sinistra decumanum citra cardinem " left the Decumanus, this side of the Cardo " (equivalent to the southeast)

The minor axes have been numbered with increasing distance from the main axis. For example, UK I was the first minor axis beyond ( west ) of the Cardo, SD III is the third minor axis on the left ( south ) of the Decumanus. This resulted in a system to uniquely identify the intersection points: SD IV KM was the intersection of the 4th axis south of the Decumanus with the Cardo maximus ( KM). The Decumanus maximus was designated in accordance with DM. The intersection of the two main axes (labeled DM KM) locus was gromae ( surveying instrument used for the one who Groma ) or umbilicus ( navel).

The given by the system described intercept then corresponded in each case a plot. Since the spacing of the parallel axes usually 20 actus (about 711 m) was located on a parcel face revealed 200 jugers ( " yoke " ) or 100 heredia ( "Tomorrow ", about 50.6 ha), which is why the plots also centuriae (100 hereadiae = 1 centuria, " Großhufe " ) were called.

The process as a cult ritual goes back to the Etruscans, which is why the limitation was in the early task of a priest, later, the action lost some of their religious significance.

Large Roman limitations can now be clearly seen even in the way of power and aerial photos of some areas, such as in North Africa, Provence, Spain, and Istria.

The Roman military camps were created by this process. The principal axes were doing called via principalis ( cardo maximus ) or via praetoria ( decumanus maximus). The four main goals were:

  • Porta praetoria, the (eastern ) main gate
  • Porta decumana, the ( Western ) back gate
  • Porta principalis artery, the (northern ) right gate of the via principalis
  • Porta principalis sinistra, the (southern ) left gate of the via principalis

The directions given in brackets refer to the usual orientation. At the intersection of the two main axes of the Principia, which was Kommandaturgebäude.

Among the Greeks, the limitation corresponded to the Hippodamische scheme.
