
Česukai is a village with 5 inhabitants ( 2010) in Lithuania. In 1959, there were 79 residents.


Česukai is located in the district of Merkinė, in the Rajongemeinde Varėna. The village is situated in the National Park Dzūkija, in the conservation area Merkys, about 1 km south of Merkinė, in the valley of the Nemunas River.


The village is known for its geopathic stress ( bioenergetic ) pyramid, called pyramid Merkinė and Herzentemper ( lit. " Širdžių šventovė " ), built in 2003 on the initiative of Povilas Zekas (* 1983) and Onutė Žėkienė. The pyramid stands in the settlement of Zekas, at the entrance to the village. 2009, the glass dome (height 12.5 m, diameter 22 m) were built and three wooden crosses. The authority of the protected areas, Valstybinė saugomų teritorijų tarnyba ( VSTT ) 2010 demanded the demolition of the pyramid, but a signature collection action for their preservation was successful.
