
Chacas on the map of Peru

Chacas, founded as San Martin de Chacas is a Peruvian city, capital of the eponymous district and provincial capital of Asunción.

The city is located in the central-eastern Ancash Regionauf an average altitude of 3359 meters. Chacas counts 2082 inhabitants. The eponymous district, with a population of 5563 inhabitants, is located on the western side of the river Marañón and extends over 447.69 square kilometers that make up 85 % of the province.


The population in the region around Chacas probably goes back to the Chavín culture, with influences of Pashash culture from the north, the Huari, an ethnic group that was later dominated by the Inca culture.

After the arrival of the Spaniards in Peru Missionaries of the Augustinian Order founded in 1570 founded a Jesuit reduction, which developed into a major mining center until the mid- twentieth century.


The buildings of the old town in Andalusian style, are still largely preserved.

The main crimes committed in Chacas festivals and holidays are Easter, the tourism week in August, the feast of the Assumption, which is celebrated from 13 to 22 August, the Don Bosco, the Feast San Martin de Porres in the same district and the feast of the Archangels Mchael in Chinchurajra.

Sets are still the ritual dances of the cultural heritage of indigenous ancestors Chacas.

  • Ancash
  • Location in Peru

Pictures of Chacas
