Charles Davenport

Charles Benedict Davenport ( born June 1, 1866 in Stamford, Connecticut, † February 18, 1944 ) was an American biologist and eugenicist.


Charles Davenport was a graduate of Harvard University. In 1898 he became director of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, where in 1910 an Institute of eugenics called Eugenics Record Office opened that occurred before its closure in 1939 for state-enforced sterilization. As a result of his research, he advocated the deportation of all American blacks, with the aim of a " race-mixing " forestall and also worked with leading Nazis. In 1939 he wrote a paper for the Festschrift for the German anthropologist Otto Reche, who campaigned during the Second World War for the prior " cleansing" of the conquered territories in the Soviet Union by all locals. 1944 Davenport died of pneumonia.

In 1932 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina.
