Charles Dibdin

Charles Dibdin, ( born March 15, 1745 in Southampton, † July 25, 1814 in London ) was an English poet, writer, composer and actor.

Dibdin joined, among others, at the Theatre Royal in London, where he himself sealed and self-composed little scenes brought to the performance. He wrote numerous plays, including the famous operetta The Quaker (1777 ) and numerous songs, of which the Sea songs were the most popular. In addition, he wrote several novels The Devil ( 1785 ), Hannah Hewitt ( 1792), The Younger Brother (1793 ) and a History of the English stage, the autobiography Professional Life (1803 ) and Musical Tour through England (1788 ) and History of the Stage (1795 ).

His son Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841) was also an actor and author of numerous plays and about 1400 songs.

Pictures of Charles Dibdin
