Charles Enderlin

Charles Enderlin ( born 1945 in Paris) is a French- Israeli correspondent of the French public television channel France 2 (formerly Antenne 2 ).

After the divorce of his Jewish parents his sister and he grew up with their mother and their 1938 parents who had fled from Austria in Metz. During the student uprisings of May 1968, he joined as a member of the strike committee of the medical faculty of the University of Nancy in appearance. In December 1968, he went to a kibbutz and assumed Israeli citizenship.

In 1971 he began to work for the Israeli state radio. From 1973 he was also working for Radio Monte Carlo. In 1981 he was Jerusalem correspondent of antenna 2 He is vice president of the Association of Foreign Correspondents in Jerusalem.

His most important work is a four-hour documentary on the Israeli- Palestinian peace negotiations up to Camp David II, he had direct access to most of the players on both sides, they could film at meetings and ask again and again. The material was not published until after deselection Ehud Barak. It was distributed both on several evenings, as aired on piece.

Books and DVD

  • Shamir: une biographie, Paris: Olivier Orban, 1991, ISBN 2855655242
  • Paix ou guerre: les secrets of the Trade Negotiations israélo - arabes, 1917-1995, Paris: Stock 1997, ISBN 2234044480
  • Le Rêve brisé: histoire de l' échec du processus de paix au Proche -Orient, 1995-2002, Paris: Fayard 2002, ISBN 2213610266
  • Le Rêve brisé: histoire de l' échec du processus de paix au Proche -Orient, 1995-2002, DVD, Paris: France Télévisions 2003
  • Les Années perdues: Intifada et guerres au Proche -Orient, 2001-2006, Paris, Fayard, 2006 ISBN 2213621500

Pictures of Charles Enderlin
