Chaynesse Khirouni

Chaynesse Khirouni ( born March 17, 1968 in Douai ) is a French politician. She is the National Assembly since 2012 MPs.

Khirouni grew up as the child of a working class family in the small towns in Lorraine Rombas and Woippy and studied in Nancy, where she obtained a DESS in business administration and a DEA in business management. Since the 1990s it launched a social organization to combat illiteracy. In 1998 she founded the regional association of micro- credit organization ADIE in Lorraine. In the local elections of 2008, Khirouni decided to rise into politics, after which was offered by the Parti Socialiste third place on the party list in Nancy her. You could move to the city council and joined in the wake of the election of the PS. In the parliamentary elections in 2012 she ran for this in the first constituency of the Meurthe -et -Moselle. In the second round she beat the previous MPs Laurent Hénart with 52.2 % and entered the National Assembly.
