Check (chess)

Check announcements is the threat of the king in chess game. Threatened the king when he could be beaten by an opposing character in the next train. The Chess bid starts from the figure that attacks the king. They say: " the figure gives the king chess " or " the king is in check ."

Each chess bid must be repelled, as the loss of the King is tantamount to the loss of the game. The defense is done by the king moves to a non- threatened area, by the intervention drawing another figure (not possible in chess bid by the Knight or a pawn ) or by beating the chess figure offered.

Can no longer be placed through one of these three options in the security of the king, he is checkmated. Had the game not thereby completed, he could be beaten in the next train.

If a chess bid is not blocked, this is an invalid train that must be withdrawn ( an exception applies in blitz chess, in which an invalid train in complaint by the opponent the game results in, ).

The Chess bid was earlier announced loudly. In tournament chess, this is no longer used today and can be due to malfunction of the opponent lead to excessive use penalties.

Chess bid types

If repelled a bid chess while a chess commandment is given, this is known by a cross check.

A special kind of giving check is the discovered check. Here, a figure is drawn so as thereby the way of another 's character to opponent's king is free, and this is therefore in chess (similar to shown above in between pulling a jumper can not be discovered check to bidding chess figure). An increase of this is the double check. It threatens the character who freely admits the way, also the opponent's king so that it is attacked by two figures at the same time. A double chess can be averted only by pulling the king, or else only the chess one of the figures could be averted.

A kind of intermediate train is the intermediate check.

  • Laws of Chess