Chervona Ruta

Style -. Mag 09:14, September 13 2010 (UTC )

Chervona Ruta (Ukrainian: Червона рута, rue - a fragrant plant) - refers to a flower that is connected in the Ukrainian culture with the Ivan Kupala Day. One widespread in the Carpathians and Bucovina legend, the Ruta is a yellow flower that is red only for a few minutes on the night of Ivan Kupala. Those girls who find this flower will find their happiness in love.


According to the legend, nothing happens peculiar, as long as the flower remains unchanged. The miracle happens only in the night of Ivan Kupala. " Chervona " is translated from Ukrainian as "red". In the Russian language, the word "scarlet " a similar meaning, such as: "There is nothing more beautiful than the scarlet flower. "


" Tscherwonyi " is an old Slavic word. The transformation of the meaning of the adjective " Krasny " (red) has an interesting history. In the Russian proverbs " A isba is at its corners red", " A debt is with their pay red", " red girl " will " red " and "good " is used in the sense of beautification interchangeably. This comes from the old Slavic word " Krassa " - beauty. In this sense, " beautiful " Rus is meant when it is translated as Kievan Rus red. In order to describe the color, used the Slavic languages, the word " tscherwonyj ". In Russian, you can still connect this with the word " Tscherwonzy " observe ( as an adjective, Maskul. ), Which refers to the red 10 -ruble banknotes. Several linguists are of the opinion that the original meaning changed only by the use of the financial sector. It is therefore unnecessary " Chervona Ruta " no translation. It could theoretically also russify to " Tscherwonaja Ruta ".

Scientific Explanation

  • Rue ( Latin: Ruta ) - is the name of a plant in the family Rutaceae. There are more than 60 species of rue known that grow wild in different regions: Mediterranean, Middle East, Central Asia. A genus of the diamonds is growing on the territory of the former Soviet Union - Rue, a fragrant grass that grows in the Crimea on rocky slopes. The common rue ( Ruta graveolens L.) - is the meistangetroffene genus of the diamonds, a subshrub, naked, a grayish - green plant that grows to 40 cm high. Its leaves are pinnately cut, and it has an inflorescence in the duster / Rispeform.
  • One other opinion Chervona Ruta called a golden and / or yellow rhododendron.