Chevron (insignia)#Heraldry

Under a rafter (English and French: chevron ) understands the Herald the Herald picture in heraldry, representing two right and left of the imaginary centerline crest sloping, connected together at the top bar.

Different names can be found in ancient heraldic books: loop, streak rafter, rafters, or just plain. The boundary lines of the main shield are designated gable. Unheraldisch are spit bar or highlight bar to name the rafters.

Formation and use

This tip shows the upper escutcheon edge or to sign head. This angle stationary beams should not exceed than rafters a width of 2 /7 of the plate width.

The tip touches the plate edge and is then called in the blazon ( coat of arms description) gable. The design can take just as in the blazon, all colors, shapes and figures. He can be separated after all parallel sections of the whole coat of arms shield. Herold images and vulgar figures are possible in the rafters. Many names of the rafter design be used directly as a compound word, such as battlements rafters. Presented clearly not the tip of the upper plate edge, the rafters is pressed. Ends it below the plate center, the rafter is lowered. No direct edge contact is heraldic not mentioned.

An important representation of the rafters with the tip pointing to the sign foot. These rafters are as overthrown or be blazoned fall rafters.

A narrow rafters is also called rafter bar. The legs have only half the width.

Different color ( tincture ) of the right and left side of the Save parts are described with gegengesparrt or in confused colors. Has the appearance of the rafters, whether right and left side was shifted from each other.

With the use of the rafter can be spoken of a rafter pitch, because the shield is divided at least into an upper and a lower field. With several rafters mutatis mutandis. These must be drawn from a narrow to a certain number, in order to preserve the proportions.

Rafters can coexist and / or against each other at the same time the coat of arms (eg Lords of Eppstein, Count of Hanau, Count of Ravens mountain).

If the rafters broken, this is described with broken. This formulation is also binding on other divided with a cut Herold images.


Ostrohe: Rafter Bar

Nordleda: upright rafters on the sign foot

Wallerstein: Shared by red and gold, in a silver counter rafters

Deiningen: a side opposite rafters in confused colors

Absberg: -curved rafters

Ballhausen: Double rafters - gegengesparrt ( in confused colors)

Municipality Saarburg: wave rafters
