Chiara Badano

Chiara " Luce " Badano ( born October 29, 1971 in Sassello, † October 7, 1990 ibid ) is a blessed of the Catholic Church.

Chiara Badano was 1971 in Sasello, a small village in northern Italy, to the world. His father was a truck driver who makes the mother employees in a business, the amaretti. Chiara visited the kindergarten and the primary school in Sasello, played sports and learned to play the piano. When she was 14 years old, the family moved to the city of Savona. In January of 1989, an aggressive bone cancer was diagnosed with Chiara. This was followed by surgery, chemo, various therapies, hopes and disappointments. The way in which Chiara their handling of her family, her friends and acquaintances, and also with their illness was designed, marked by a deep relationship with Jesus. Their behavior aroused astonishment, her inner clarity and deep joy in their eyes were touching and appealing. The nickname " Luce " ( " light " ) she got from Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement, with which it was in close correspondence. As Chiara Badano died on October 7, 1990, was the testimony of a young man who could give a great importance to the everyday things of life.

Chiara Badano was beatified on 25 September 2010 at the Santuario della Madonna del Divino Amore, Rome.
