Chipping Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow ( Spizella erina )


Adult birds have a rust-colored hood, a dark bill and a gray lower body. They have a brown back with dark stripes, brown wings with white bars and a narrow tail. Her face is gray with a horizontal black line that goes over the eye.


The original habitat of the Schwirrammern were probably coniferous forests, but by adapting to the changes with the increasing colonization by people, new habitats have been developed. She lives in forests, agricultural land, parks and in urban Vorbezirken in North America. The Chipping Sparrow pulls in winter to Mexico and the southern states of the USA.

Way of life

The Schwirrammern looking on the ground or in low bushes for food. Sometimes they also catch insects in flight. The main food source is insects and seeds. Outside the breeding season the Schwirrammern live in flocks. Her singing is a simple trills. Their nests usually builds the Chipping Sparrow in coniferous or deciduous trees and occasionally on the ground.
