Chithurst Buddhist Monastery

The Cittaviveka, also Chithurst Buddhist Monastery is a Buddhist monastery in the English community Trotton with Chithurst, West Sussex, near the town of Petersfield.

It was founded in 1979 by Ajahn Sumedho, a student of Ajahn Chah. It acquired the Chithurst House, which is now called Wat Pa Cittaviveka. The monastery follows the Thai Forest Tradition, a flow of the Theravada. The novices live after ten rules, the monks according to the rules of the 227 Patimokkha. The vow is voluntary, a monk may leave the congregation at any time. In addition, many enthusiasts and students live for a short or longer time in the system.

A separate building is the female members ( Siladhara ) are available.

The monastery also has a small piece of wood. The donor met Ajahn Sumedho jogging and began with him, impressed by the sight of bhikkhus, a conversation. He then took part in a ten- day retreat and decided later the whole forest of 108 Acre size of the British Sangha to bequeath.
