Chloromyia formosa

Chloromyia formosa

Chloromyia formosa is a fly from the family of soldier flies ( Stratiomyidae ).


The flies reach a body length of 9 to 10 millimeters. Their elongated body is colored metallic green. The hemispherical head bears hairy compound eyes which abut in the males. The first sensor element is longer than the following, the third longitudinally oval shaped, and has front dorsal vierringelig a Endborste which is ciliated at its base. The tag ( scutellum ) bears no thorns. The females have a transverse furrow on the forehead above the sensor. The head is brownish hairs, the wings are well colored. The legs are black, only the knee are yellow.

Occurrence and life

The species is widespread in Europe and is often observed in July in moist mixed forests of umbelliferous plants. The larvae develop in humus-rich soils.
