Chogha Bonut

32.22222222222248.505Koordinaten: 32 ° 13 ' 20 " N, 48 ° 30' 18" O

Choga Bonut ( Chogha Bonut, Persian: Bonut COGA ) is an archaeological place on the territory of ancient Elam, in the present province of Khuzestan (then: Khuzistan ) in the southwest of Iran. The facility is located about 20 km southeast of Dezful and 5 kilometers west of Choga mixing ( COGA MIS ), another historic site.

Force calibrated 14C datings, it is assumed that Choga Bonut was already settled around 7200 BC and thus would be the oldest human settlement in the southwestern plains Chuzestans. This would be an indication that farmers and hunters came together to agricultural communities. There is a small hill that juts out with a diameter of nearly 50 meters about 5 m above its surroundings.

The site was discovered in 1976 by ​​accident. We came across the settlement, as they wanted to flatten the place for the purpose of developing more sustainable agriculture. Helene J. Kantor, who was active in archeology at this time in Choga mixing, could one immediate permission for the study of the plant to obtain. Until the beginning of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 could be researched undisturbed.

It was not until the Persian archaeologist and Iranist Abbas Alizadeh took the research back to 1996 and published his findings collated 2003. It is rare to Neolithic finds.
