Christoph Meinel

Christoph Meinel ( born April 14, 1954 in Meissen ) is a German computer scientist and professor of Internet Technologies and Systems, University of Potsdam.


Meinel studied 1974-1979 mathematics and computer science at the Humboldt University of Berlin, was in 1981 on questions of complexity theory doctorate ( Dr. rer. Nat. ) And habilitation ( Dr. sc. ) In 1988 with the Scriptures Modified branching programs and Their computational power. From 1992 to 2004 he was professor of theoretical concepts and new applications of computer science at the University of Trier. From 1996 to 2002 he was the founding director of the Institute for Telematics, Trier eV, which dealt under the supervision of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft with problems in the field of Internet and Web technologies. From 1995 to 2007 he was a member of the Scientific Board of the International Conference and Research Center for computer science Schloß Dagstuhl. Since 2002 he is a Visiting Professor and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Luxembourg, Honorary Professor at the School of Computer Sciences at the Technical University of Beijing (China), and a visiting professor at Shanghai University. Currently, Meinel Director and CEO of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering (HPI ) at the University of Potsdam, member of acatech, the national German Academy of Science as well as a teacher at the HPI School of Design Thinking.


Meinel's work focus were initially in theoretical computer science, and here in the area ( complexity theory and binary decision diagrams). Later he focused on Internet technologies, IT security, as well as new forms of teaching and learning in the Internet, such as tele-teaching and e-learning with tele-TASK and openhpi. Then he looked at the issues of information and Internet security, for example, the highly secure network protection -> Lock-Keeper, the protection from unwanted and inappropriate content and security in service - based architectures with applications in telemedicine. He also deals with scientific knowledge management issues in the Internet and new forms of Internet-based teaching and learning -> tele-TASK. In addition, he directs the HPI - Stanford research program on design thinking and develops tools for remote collaboration of distributed design teams. Finally, the built under his direction online platform openhpi for the provision of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course ) has reached great attention and a 5-digit number of learners in the field of computer science and IT technologies.

Meinel holds several international patents (for example, lock- keeper ) and developer of the teleteaching system tele-TASK, the online collaboration tools Tele- Board and the openhpi platform.


Meinel is the initiator and responsible for the online learning platform openhpi. He is the editor of the book series Understanding innovation of Springer-Verlag and the two scientific e- journals ECCC - Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity and ECDTR - Electronic Colloquium on Design Thinking Research.

Scientific organization

Meinel directs the Steering Committee of the HPI Future SOC Lab, is Chairman of the German IPv6 Council, board member of the MINT-EC association and leads the Advisory Board of the SAP Meraka UTD in South Africa. He was with Hasso Plattner hosted the first National IT Summit (HPI, Potsdam, 2006) German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Larry Leifer from Stanford University initiator and program director launched in 2008 HPI - Stanford Design Thinking Research Program.
