
White to yellow powder


1.29 g · cm -3

55-60 ° C

91 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, mouse, ip)

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Chromone is a chemical compound in which a benzene ring ( aromatic) theoretically 4 -pyrone is condensed ( an oxygen-containing heterocycle ) (hence also benzo - γ -pyrone ).

It is a derivative of 4H- chromene (4- benzopyran ), which instead of the two hydrogen atoms having a keto group at position 4.


Chromone is constitutional isomer with coumarin.


Derivatives of chromone ( Product group: chromones ) are usually prepared from phenols and β - keto esters by heating with phosphorus pentoxide.

Among the naturally occurring derivatives include the flavones (yellow plant pigments ) and Khellinin ( cardioactive glycoside ) and the related highly toxic khellin.

Man-made chromones are the antiallergic drug cromolyn and nedocromil substances ( in pharmacology: Cromones ).
