Church of the Lord (Aladura)

The Church of the Lord (abbreviated CL ( A)) is a Christian church that was founded in 1930 by Josiah Olunowo Oshitelu in Ogere, ( Nigeria). It emerged from the Aladura movement and is now spread throughout the world, especially in Benin, Togo, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Its membership is estimated at about 3.5 million. The CL ( A) maintains its own theological institute, which is now integrated into the Lagos State University.

Cult and religious practices

The word Aladura is taken from the Yoruba language and means " prayer ". Then, the focus of religious practice within the CL ( A). Extensive prayer sessions determine the service and also the daily life of the followers of the Church. The CL ( A) has introduced one of the first independent West African churches typical African elements in the service, such as drums, clapping and dancing. A characteristic feature is the white cassock, in their followers hold services for them.

As a motto and rule the Church has made ​​four principles to self: Pentecostal in power, Biblically-based, preaching in the service and ecumenical in appearance. A special feature of this church is called the Holy Mount Tabieorar (pronounced Taborah ) Festival, which is celebrated annually from 10 to 22 August as a retreat from thousands of believers. It was used in 1937 by Oshitelu.

Since 1998, directs Rufus Okikiola Oshitelu the Church, as the fourth chief of the CL ( A).


The CL ( A) places great emphasis on ecumenical cooperation with other churches. It is therefore a member of many ecumenical organizations.

These are amongst others:

  • World Council of Churches ( WCC )
  • All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC )
  • Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (BCC).
  • 1996 led the CL ( A) is a conference of African churches of the World Council of Churches in their training center in Ogere.
  • The CL ( A), 1999 was a founding member of the International Convention of Christian communities -Rhein- Main.