

  • Wolf
  • Centaur
  • Fly
  • Bird of paradise
  • Southern triangle
  • Square

The Circle ( in the Erstbezeichnung French compas ), in today's technical language use Circinus ( from Latin ) is a constellation of the southern sky.


The Circle is a faint constellation, consisting of a group of stars, of which only achieved a 3rd size class.

Through the constellation is the bright band of the Milky Way draws. From Europe, it is not observable.


The " Circle " is one of the constellations, which introduced the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century.

Celestial objects


β Circinis is a 80 light-years distant star of spectral type A3.

Double stars

α Circinis, the brightest star in the circle, is a double star system. Even with a smaller telescope, the system can be resolved into individual stars.

δ Circinis is an extremely luminous strong double star system in 2500 light years away. It consists of two equally bright stars of spectral types O9 and B1. The system comprises of the Earth from a far distance of 243 arc seconds and can be detected already in the prism binoculars as a double star.

NGC objects

In the circle we find the open star cluster NGC 5823 and the Circinusgalaxie (ESO 97 - G13 ).
