Citizen journalism

Grassroots journalism (of grassroots, participatory journalism, or even citizen journalism ) is a form of journalism, can participate in the citizens through their own media in social discourse. The new publication opportunities on the Internet, particularly blogs, have contributed to the spread of grassroots journalism.


A definition for participatory journalism by Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis translation reads:


The term grassroots journalism draws on grass -roots movement and originates from the field of Anglo-American journalism. In the German-speaking world since the 70s of the 20th century the concept of counter-publicity was widespread. The participatory element emphasizes the Norwegian peace researcher Johan Galtung, who has developed a concept for a peace-promoting journalism.

Precursors are the alternative newspapers instead of the 70s and 80s, as well as the independent radio stations of the 80s. A special form is the statutory Bürgerrundfunk. Wall papers can also organize interactive projects without the Internet.

As a precursor to the User-Generated Content and Open Channels, published letters to the editor and Hörer-/Zuschaueranrufe can be considered as part of ongoing programs. They are committed to grassroots journalism only in part.


Pictures of Citizen journalism
