Ciudad Madero

Ciudad Madero on the map of Mexico

Ciudad Madero is a city in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. It has 182 325 inhabitants ( 2000) and lies on the Rio Panuco. The city was created by a settlement in 1807 and 1930 was named after Francisco Madero, a former President of Mexico. Although it has several large, medium and small industries, the oil industry is most significant ( Petróleos Mexicanos by ). Because the city is now called the Oil Capital of Mexico, its refinery of the most advanced in Latin America. Already in the 1970s, the port city of Ciudad Madero was attached to the adjacent Tampico. The two cities share even the common football club Tampico - Madero FC, ​​the stadium is located halfway between the two communities today.

In 1954, a technical college, the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero, founded.
