Closely Watched Trains

  • Václav Neckář: Miloš Hrma
  • Jitka Bendová: Checker Máša
  • Vladimír Valenta: station-master
  • Libuse Havelková: Woman of the stationmaster
  • Josef Somr: Dispatcher Hubička
  • Alois Vachek: Railway Employee Novak
  • Jitka Zelenohorská: Zdenička Svatá
  • Vlastimil Brodsky: Council Zedníček
  • Ferdinand Krůta: Uncle Noneman
  • Kveta Fialová: Countess
  • Nada Urbánková: Victoria Free
  • Jiří Menzel: Dr. Brabec
  • Pavel Landovský: thief
  • Jiří Kodet: SS man

Closely Watched Trains ( Original title: OSTRE sledované vlaky, German Television Title: Closely Observed Trains ) is a Czechoslovak comedy film from 1966, which was directed by Jiří Menzel. The film was produced in the Barrandov Film Studios in Prague, was the location Loděnice station.

The film is based on the narrative journey to special provision, train route monitors ( OSTRE sledované vlaky ) by Bohumil Hrabal. It is about an adolescent who works during the time of the German occupation in World War II at a railway station.


The film won several international awards

  • The Oscar for best foreign film in 1968.
  • The British Film Award for Best Film and Best Original Score (1969 )
  • The big prize at the International Film Festival Mannheim -Heidelberg (1966 )


" Excellent directed and well played comedy. "
