Clown triggerfish

Leopard triggerfish ( Balistoides conspicillum ) in an aquarium of the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe

The Leopard triggerfish ( Balistoides conspicillum ) is a species of the family triggerfish ( Balistidae ).

It is native to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Its size is about 35 centimeters. The boxed with bright orange mouth and the big bright spots on the lower half of the body form a striking contrast to the darker upper half of the body. Tail and dorsal fin are drawn in green. He can fix like all members of the triggerfish the first dorsal spine through the second sting in an upright position.

The Leopard triggerfish mostly lives as a loner.

Leopard trigger fish as food

Leopard trigger fish can cause ciguatera poisoning if they are eaten by humans. The disease images include a reversal of the temperature sense, are perceived as cold in the warm or hot items, on the other hand cold as hot.

Pictures of Clown triggerfish
