Clutts House

39.123611111111 - 82.534444444444Koordinaten: 39 ° 7 ' 25 "N, 82 ° 32 ' 4" W

The Clutts House is a former residential building in the city in Jackson County Wellston, Ohio in the United States. Built in 1902 the house was the home of industrialist Joseph Clutts, one of the leading members of society Wellstons.


Born in 1861, Joseph Clutts was 1882 Wellston. After a short time he took the road which itself made ​​him one of the most important people in the region. He bought blast furnaces in Wellston and Milton, purchased shares in Spring Valley Iron Company, and large areas of forest, whose wood was used as fuel for its blast furnaces. In 1896 he founded with Henry Adam Marting and Lewis Vogelsong the Wellston Iron and Steel Company, which took two more blast furnaces in operation. Together with a partner named Willard took over Clutts 1898, the shares of his former partner.

Clutts was in 1902 the contract to build the still existing dwelling house. The two and a half storey house is built of brown brick, on which sits a roof that is covered with ceramic tiles. The building is not characterized by a particular architecture style that would dominate it, but its size and the details make it one of the most prominent houses in Wellston. Most of the other houses in the city, whether they formed at the same time or at different times, are significantly smaller buildings that were built for normal workers.

After the death Clutts ' in 1927 his house was referred to as the Reese Building. From then on it was no longer used for residential purposes, and today it is a law firm located. Inside and outside the house was little changed, and most of the original decorative details and building elements are still present. The Clutts House was added in 1980 both for its connection to Clutts itself as well as for its well-preserved historically significant architecture in the National Register of Historic Places. It is located next to Morgan Mansion and the Harvey Wells House is one of three entered in the National Register buildings in the City of Wellston.

