Co-Princes of Andorra

Each Kofürst appoint a personal representative to Andorra

As Kofürst of Andorra, Catalan Copríncep (French Coprince ) are referred to the Bishop of Urgell and the French President in their role as collective Head of State of the Principality of Andorra. It is a special form of "dual power ".

  • Urgeller the bishop is the episcopal Copríncep del Principality of Andorra ( episcopal Kofürst )
  • The French President is the Copríncep laic del Principality of Andorra ( secular Kofürst )

The powers of the Kofürsten include the highest authority in confirmation of international treaties with the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of France, internal security, national defense, territorial affairs, diplomatic representation, and cooperation in judicial and criminal nature.

The special design of the political system of Andorra is due to the Pareatges - two arbitration awards from 1278 to 1288, which was justified, the common rule of the French count of Foix and the Spanish Bishop of Urgell. The rights of the Count of Foix went through inheritance in 1479 on the house Navarre and finally with the accession of Henry IV to the French crown. Since that time ( with a break during the French Revolution) the Head of State of France has the title and privileges of a Kofürsten of Andorra.

In their ( permanent ) absence they shall each appoint a representative, the Representant personal ( personal representatives of Kofürsten ), who now perceives mostly all the tasks that do not necessarily require the person of Kofürsten itself. On August 25, 1973 met in the French Cahors, the Spanish Bishop of Urgell Joan Martí Alanís and French President Georges Pompidou. Since 1278, this was the first meeting of Kofürsten of Andorra.
