Coetus Internationalis Patrum

The Coetus Internationalis Patrum (about: International Federation of the Fathers), short Coetus was a loose association of conservative forces during the Second Vatican Council.

The Group consisted of approximately 250 members, among others the Cardinals Giuseppe Siri, Arcadio María Larraona, Rufino Jiao Santos, Alfredo Ottaviani, Michael Browne and Ernesto Ruffini. Even Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Archbishop Geraldo de Proença Sigaud SVD and Bishop Antônio de Castro Mayer organized in Coetus.

Although the Coetus was no church organization in the strict sense understood by its members belong together in terms of their goals. Main concern of the Coetus was the theological continuation of the Church on the basis of the Magisterium of previous popes. Accordingly, the Coetus stood in opposition to the modernist forces known as the Council, represented by Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Joseph Ratzinger, Francis King, Hans Küng and others.

  • History of Catholicism
  • Catholic traditionalism
  • Christian Association / Association
  • Established in the 1960s