Coke La Rock

Coke La Rock ( born April 24, 1955 in New York City ) is a pioneer of Rap / Hip Hop in the Bronx of the 1970s, which is sometimes referred to as "first MC" or "first rapper ", but does not clarify what exactly leaves.


He was the MC of the first New York DJs of the Old School rape, the "Father of Hip Hop " DJ Kool Herc, the proto- rap ideas like toasting from his Jamaican home brought into the United States. With the group Herculoids La Rock rapped from 1973 on block parties and clubs in the Bronx and invented claims to standard rhymes like " You rock! .. And dooon't stop" or " hotel, motel, we do not tell", the were simply transferred without asking in Sugar Hill gangs " rapper's Delight". Already at this time in the late 1970s la rock disappeared completely into oblivion and never made big money.
