College Park (Maryland)

Prince George's County


College Park is a town in Prince George's County, Maryland, United States. The city has 30 413 inhabitants ( 2010 census ) in an area of 14.1 km ². College Park is home to the University of Maryland and is home to a branch of NARA.


According to the United States Census 2000 24.657 inhabitants in 6,030 households. Average 2.65 persons living in a household and every family is an average of 3,11 people. The average age is 22 years, and the median income at $ 50,168 per year. The population density is 1748.8 / km ².


The current mayor, Andrew M. Fellows, since 2009, in office. His predecessor was Stephen A. Brayman (2001 - 2009), before Michael J. Jacobs.
